Latest News
  • SMILE ESA Science Operations Centre Preliminary Design Review Completed

    On December 16, 2020, European Space Agency (ESA) completed a successful video meeting of Science Operations Centre (SOC) Preliminary Design Review (PDR) for Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE). Experts from SOC, spacecraft and instrument engineers, SMILE project management, Ground Support System, Science Application System (SAS) attended the meeting.

  • The SMILE SWT#16 and Consortium #10 Video meeting Held

    17-20 March 2020, the SMILE (Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) Mission 15th Scientific Working Team and Joint Meeting was held successfully. In order to deal with the impact of the COVID-19, the conference adopted the participants in each country and region in accordance with the specific situation by video participation.

  • NSSC and ESA held a Remote Meeting

    On May 12, the National Space Science Center(NSSC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences held a remote video conference with the European Space Agency (ESA). Both sides gave brief updates of status and progress of the ongoing mission.

  • SMILE ESA-CAS Joint Mission Preliminary Design Review (M-PDR) Passed

    14-17 January 2020, the SMILE (Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) Mission ESA-CAS Joint Mission Preliminary Design Review (M-PDR) Meeting was held at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Netherlands.

  • SMILE Satellite System PDR Review Meeting Held in Beijing

    14th Oct 2019, the National Space Science Center (NSSC),Chinese Academy of Sciences, organized the SMILE satellite system Preliminary Design Review (PDR) meeting in Beijing. Head of Bureau of Major R&D Programs, CAS, Chief Scientist, Chief Engineer and Representatives from Satellite System, Chinese Control Center (CCC), Ground Support System (GSS) and Science Application System (SAS) attended the meeting.

  • SMILE Ground Support System Preliminary Design Review Successfully Completed

    On August 20, 2019, The Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) Ground Support System (GSS) team completed a successful Preliminary Design Review (PDR) meeting in Beijing. Experts from project management, Satellite System, Chinese Control Center (CCC) system, Science Application System (SAS) and independent peer reviewers attended the meeting.
